Gym therdterminal - Wire, chain, rope - Marifix
Gym therdterminal in the group Wire, chain, rope / Wire / Gym wire at  (391-12)
Gym therdterminal

Gym therdterminal

Gym gang terminal
Attaches to the weight block of a gym machine found in two designs1. thread M12 thread pitch 1.75 Thickness approx. 11.75mm2. thread UNC 1/2 thread pitch 13 threads per inch (25.4mm) Thickness approx. 12.50mm
abcd Article no. Length Thread Price Stock status Quantity
Gym therdterminal G1012135 M12 €9
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Gym thread terminal UNC 1/2" wire 3,5/5mm G1012135-2 53mm UNC 1/2" €10.27
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